Community in the Wake of Crisis

Geraldine interviewed Australia's top spy this week.

Nick Warner is a veteran civil servant of over 40 years. Over that time, the threats confronting Australia have changed and become more diffuse, which makes tackling the problem even harder. 

Eliza is still very upset by the Christchurch massacre. It's prompted her to question whether Australia has a bigger racism problem that she thought? 

She also believes that comparing New Zealand to Australia doesn't necessarily help the conversation.

The women also look back at Jakarta and discuss the joys of a "time affluent" life.

Let us know your thoughts at or join the conversation at "Long Distance Callers" facebook page.

Australia's top spy Nick Warner brings business in from the cold: AFR

Building resilience post Chritchurch: ABC Saturday Extra

Remove the halo and Ardern is ordinary

On Aunty: What next for your ABC? Jonathan Holmes

EpisodeEliza Harvey