Oz's rising road toll, Seymour Hersh & the Fleishman Effect

This week, Geraldine takes a dive into the latest concerning road toll figures.

US journalist Seymour Hersh has won prizes and international acclaim for his investigations in the past. But is his latest theory on America blowing up the all-important Nord Stream pipeline a step too far?

And how the TV adaptation of "Fleishman's in Trouble" has left some Manhattan mums wondering if they're in strife, too.

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How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline - Seymour Hersh


‘The Killing of Osama Bin Laden’ The London Review of Books, Seymour Hersh


Osama Bin Laden Situation Room photo


‘We profiled the “Signs of Crisis” in 50 years of mass shootings. This is what we found’ New York Times, Jillian Peterson & James Densley


Financial stress worse than COVID-19, says Beyond Blue CEO, Australian Financial Review https://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/leaders/financial-stress-worse-than-covid-19-says-beyond-blue-ceo-20230209-p5cjbz

Simone Young conducts Mahler’s First Symphony


‘The Fleishman Effect’ The Cut, Caitlin Moscatello


EpisodeEliza Harvey